Where Is the Great Wall? 長城 | 拾書所

Where Is the Great Wall? 長城

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
The wall stretches for more than four thousand miles across northern China
It is the largest man-made structure in the world 
Nearly a million people died building it
More than two thousand years ago, with his land under constant attack from nomads, the First Emperor of China came up with a simple solution: build a wall to keep out enemies. It was a wall that kept growing and growing. But its construction came at a huge cost: it is believed that more than a million Chinese died building it, earning the wall its nickname–the longest cemetery on earth. Through the story of the wall, Patricia Brennan Demuth is able to tell the story of China itself, the rise and fall of dynasties, the greatness of its culture, and its present-day status as a Communist world power.

兩千多年前,由於國土常遭受遊牧民族侵襲,中國第一位皇帝想到一個簡單的方法,就是築牆抗敵。這面牆越蓋越長,眼看變成一道長城,但築牆的工程卻付出不少代價,具信有一百多萬中國人民因修築長城而死,長城遂有世界最長的墳場之稱。透過長城的故事,作者 Patricia Brennan Demuth 娓娓道來中國的歷史、朝代的興衰、博大精深的文化以及目前共產主義的領導地位。

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