Music Was IT (Ages 9-12) (美國中學閱讀書單) | 拾書所

Music Was IT (Ages 9-12) (美國中學閱讀書單)

$ 455 元 原價 455

Beginning with Lenny’s childhood in Boston and ending with his triumphant conducting debut at Carnegie Hall with the New York Philharmonic when he was just twenty-five, Music Was IT draws readers into the energetic, passionate, challenging, music-filled life of young Leonard Bernstein. Archival photographs, mostly from the Leonard Bernstein Collection at the Library of Congress, illustrate this fascinating biography, which also includes a foreword by Bernstein’s daughter Jamie. Extensive back matter includes biographies of important people in Bernstein’s life, as well as a discography of his music.

故事始於小伯恩斯坦在波士頓度過童年時光,終於他首次在卡內基音樂廳,擔任紐約愛樂交響樂團指揮的優秀演出,當時他年僅 25 歲。本書帶讀者一窺少年伯恩斯坦那充滿活力、熱情、挑戰與音樂的青春歲月。書中檔案照片大多取自國會圖書館的伯恩斯坦全集,讓這部精采傳記的內容更加豐富,本書同時收錄伯恩斯坦女兒婕米為他寫的序,詳盡的附錄介紹了多位柏恩斯坦生命中貴人以及他的音樂作品目錄。

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