Giants of Science:Charles Darwin 查爾斯·達爾文 | 拾書所

Giants of Science:Charles Darwin 查爾斯·達爾文

$ 280 元 原價 280

All his life, Charles Darwin hated controversy. Yet he takes his place among the Giants of Science for what remains an immensely controversial subject: the theory of evolution. Darwin began piecing together his explanation for how all living things change or adapt during his five-year voyage on HMS Beagle. But it took him twenty years to go public, for fear of the backlash his theory would cause. Once again, Kathleen Krull delivers a witty and astute picture of one of history's greatest scientists.

查爾斯.達爾文終其一生不喜爭議,但他提出的「演化論」至今仍飽受爭議,也因此收錄於《Giants of Science》系列中。達爾文在為期五年的小獵犬號之旅理解生物如何改變、適應環境,他花了二十年餘年才出版,就怕他的理論會引發爭議。美國知名傳記作家凱瑟琳.克魯爾又再次完美呈現歷史上機敏睿智的偉大科學家。


 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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