Reflections from Pope Francis | 拾書所

Reflections from Pope Francis

$ 560 元 原價 560

Only a little over a year into his papacy, Pope Francis is being hailed by the news media, Christians, and non-Christians alike as a refreshing figure in the Vatican. His humility, piousness, and forward-thinking ideas have been celebrated around the world. Reflections from Pope Francis features brief excerpts for reflection from Pope Francis’s homilies, speeches, and addresses—along with invitation to prayer, writing, and action in a unique “journal style” book with space on each page for the reader to write down their own reflections on the powerful messages contained within each page. Complete with a focusing statement and scripture passages that introduce and summarize the theme of that page’s reflection, these excerpts highlight important themes for humanity—such as care for the poor, mercy, forgiveness, and brotherhood.



教宗方濟各 (Pope Francis) 就任羅馬天主教教宗一年多以來,廣受新聞媒體、基督徒和非基督徒的讚譽,搖身為梵諦岡的重點人物。他的謙卑、虔誠與前瞻的思維已受到世界各地的熱烈迴響。本書摘錄教宗方濟各的佈道和演講,並邀請讀者在閱讀後一同祈禱、反思和回饋。「日誌風格」為本書一大特色,每頁均有教宗的話語,讀者可於空白處書寫讀後感。每篇摘錄均以一句焦點訊息結尾,另以經文簡介和總結該篇的反思主題。關心貧窮、仁愛、寬恕和同胞情誼等人道議題皆為本書討論之焦點。


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