Contributor to the Washington Post Anne-Marie O’Connor brilliantly regales us with the galvanizing story of Gustav Klimt’s 1907 masterpiece—the breathtaking portrait of a Viennese Jewish socialite, Adele Bloch-Bauer. The celebrated painting, stolen by Nazis during World War II, subsequently became the subject of a decade-long dispute between her heirs and the Austrian government. When the U.S. Supreme Court became involved in the case, its decision had profound ramifications in the art world. Expertly researched, masterfully told, The Lady in Gold is at once a stunning depiction of fin-de siècle Vienna, a riveting tale of Nazi war crimes, and a fascinating glimpse into the high-stakes workings of the contemporary art world. One of the Best Books of the Year: The Huffington Post, The Christian Science Monitor. Winner of the Marfield National Award for Arts Writing. Winner of a California Book Award.
《華盛頓郵報》作家安瑪麗‧歐康娜在本書中精采呈現奧地利畫家古斯塔夫‧克林姆 1907 年力作《艾蒂兒肖像》背後的故事。艾蒂兒‧布洛赫—鮑爾是維也納的猶太社交名媛,以她為主角的這幅名畫於二戰時期為納粹黨所竊,後來導致其繼承者與奧地利政府長達十年的爭奪戰。美國最高法院最後的判決在藝術圈中投下了顆震撼彈。透過精密的研究與洗鍊的敘事手法,《The Lady in Gold》不只為讀者生動呈現了20世紀末的維也納和令人髮指的納粹戰爭犯罪,也引領讀者一窺當代藝術世界高風險的運行法則。本書榮登《哈芬登郵報》以及《基督科學箴言報》年度最佳書籍,亦榮獲瑪爾菲德全國藝術作品獎與加州圖書獎。