A Lark in the Ark (翻翻書) | 拾書所

A Lark in the Ark (翻翻書)

$ 480 元 原價 480
It’s raining—again!—and Noah and the animals are bored. So they play an extremely silly game of hide-and-seek. Noah can’t find so much as a feather, although he’s searched the ark from top to bottom for his playmates. There’s only one place left they could be, and that's the room with the sign on the door that says NO ANIMALS—Mr. and Mrs. Noah’s bedroom. When Noah opens the door, the room is suspiciously empty . . . But who’s that wriggling under the duvet? Llamas in pyjamas and baboons in pink pantaloons! And who’s that squashed behind the chest of drawers? Bears in flares and wombats in combats! Lift 25 double-sided flaps and a large fold-out flap on the final page to reveal the animals hiding, dressed ridiculously in Mr. and Mrs. Noah’s clothes!

 Age Range: 3 + years

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