Little Rabbit and the Meanest Mother on Earth | 拾書所

Little Rabbit and the Meanest Mother on Earth

$ 245 元 原價 245

Little Rabbit hears the drums. He watches the performers parade by. He really wants to go to the circus! But his mother says he may go only after he cleans his disastrously messy playroom. Little Rabbit tries, but it's no use. There's only one thing to do: sneak out. And he now has an act for the circus: Behold! The Meanest Mother on Earth! She has two heads. And green teeth. She's terrifying! Well, Mother Rabbit is tough . . . but only because she loves her child. Plus, she has an ingenious plan on how to get the Messiest Room on Earth tidy!

小兔子聽見了鼓聲,看著遊行隊伍從面前經過,讓他很想去馬戲團。但媽媽要他先將亂七八糟的遊戲間整理乾淨才能去。小兔子便開始整理,但儘管再怎麼整理,仍然無法整理乾淨。他只有一個辦法:偷溜出去。他為馬戲團準備了一個節目: 看啊!宇宙無敵兇媽媽!她有兩顆頭、綠色的牙齒,真是嚇人!的確,兔媽媽真的很嚴格,但這是因為她愛她的小孩。而且她有一個絕妙的方法能將這亂到不行的房間變成世界上最乾淨的房間。

 Age Range: 4 - 7 years 

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