Zog (Book + CD) 龍阿蠻 | 拾書所

Zog (Book + CD) 龍阿蠻

$ 505 元 原價 505

The endearing story of the accident-prone dragon and the princess who would rather be a doctor has sold over 200,000 copies in less than a year. It is now available accompanied by an audio CD, performed by award-winning actress, Imelda Staunton. Children can listen to the full story with music, play the Zog Listening Game and sing along to the brand new "Flying Doctors" song, which was written specially for this CD by Julia Donaldson.


這是一則關於老是出糗的龍阿蠻和想當醫生的小公主之間的故事,受到小朋友喜愛,不到一年的時間便賣出 20 萬本。故事書現在還附上 CD 版囉!由得獎女演員伊美黛‧史道頓配音,孩子們可以邊聽故事,邊沈浸在配樂所營造的空間之中,玩玩龍阿蠻聽力遊戲,並一同跟唱作者茱莉亞‧唐納森全新創作的飛行醫生之歌。

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