Who Was Harriet Beecher Stowe? 哈里特.伊莉莎白.比徹.斯托 | 拾書所

Who Was Harriet Beecher Stowe? 哈里特.伊莉莎白.比徹.斯托

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Born in Connecticut in 1811, Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist, author, and playwright. Slavery was a major industry in the American South, and Stowe worked with the Underground Railroad to help escaped slaves head north towards freedom. The publication of her book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a scathing anti-slavery novel, fanned the flames that started the Civil War. The book’s emotional portrayal of the impact of slavery captured the nation’s attention. A best-seller in its time, Uncle Tom’s Cabin sealed Harriet Beecher Stowe’s reputations as one of the most influential anti-slavery voices in US history.

斯托夫人於 1811 年在康乃狄克州出生,是一位廢奴主義者、作家,也是劇作家。當時黑奴在美國南部相當盛行,斯托夫人跟地下鐵路合作,帶領奴隸逃往北方,幫助他們重返自由。她出版了一本嚴厲反對奴隸制的小說,也就是《湯姆叔叔的小屋》,煽動了美國內戰的火焰。書中深刻描述奴隸制的影響,成功獲得全國人民的關注,在當時為紅極一時的暢銷書,《湯姆叔叔的小屋》一書讓斯托夫人成為美國歷史上最具影響力的廢奴主義人士之一。

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