Who Was Mother Teresa? 德蕾莎修女 | 拾書所

Who Was Mother Teresa? 德蕾莎修女

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Born a humble girl in what is now Albania, Agnes Bojaxhiu lived a charitable life. She pledged herself to a religious order at the age of 18 and chose the name Sister Teresa, after the patron saint of missionaries. While teaching in India, where famine and violence had devastated the poor, Teresa shed her habit and walked the streets of Calcutta tending to the needs of the destitute. Her charity work soon expanded internationally, and her name remains synonymous with compassion and devotion to the poor.

雅格妮斯‧博扎丘生於現今的阿爾巴尼亞,她從小就為人謙遜,終其一生樂善好施。她在18 歲那年追隨天主的聖召且冠上姊妹德雷莎的名號。德雷莎在印度教書時,深感窮人飽受飢荒及暴力之苦,便脫下教袍,走入加爾各答的街巷內救濟窮苦人家。不久,她的慈善之舉隨即遍布全球,她的名字也成為濟弱扶貧的代名詞。

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