Fundraising at School
Levels 22/23 Gold/Silver
Key learning Area Social Studies and Mathematics
Theme Fundraising Activities at School
Title Fundraising
Text Type Information Report
Pages 2–9
Text Form Reference
Genre Non-fiction
Purpose To present information that classifies living or non-living things
Text Structure
General Statement: Identifies and classifies the subject (Page 2)
Description: Provides information about the subject’s physical appearance and other characteristics (Pages 3–8)
Evaluation: Provides a summary statement about the subject (Page 8, final paragraph)
Language Features
-- Nouns (e.g. people, children, school)
-- Pronouns (e.g. others, they)
-- Adjectives (e.g. charity, different)
-- Present tense verbs (e.g. read, spell)
-- Adverbs (e.g. sometimes, correctly)
-- Adverbial phrases (e.g. at school)
Title Spellathon
Text Type Procedure
Pages 10–16
Text Form Instructions
Genre Non-fiction
Purpose To provide instructions about how to make or do something
Text Structure
Goal: Outlines what is to be achieved (Page 10)
Materials: Specifies the materials needed to achieve goal (Page 10)
Steps: Lists the steps in order of sequence (Pages 12–15)
Language Features
-- Nouns (e.g. money, sponsors, test)
-- Pronouns (e.g. you, your)
-- Adjectives (e.g. sponsor)
-- Present tense verbs (e.g. Decide, Count)
-- Adverbs (e.g. correctly, carefully)
--Adverbial phrases (e.g. during the spellathon)