PM Writing 3 Purple/Gold 20/21 Pottery | 拾書所

PM Writing 3 Purple/Gold 20/21 Pottery

$ 140 元 原價 140

Levels 20/21 Purple/Gold
Key learning Area Art and Music
Theme How Pottery Is Made

Title How Pottery Is Made
Text Type Explanation
Pages 2–9
Text Form Technical Writing
Genre Non-fiction
Purpose To explain how or why something occurs

Text Structure
Identifying Statement: Tells what is to be explained (Pages 2–3)
Explanation Sequence: Explains a series of events or cause and effect (Pages 4–8)
Concluding Statement: Draws all the information together (Page 9)

Language Features
-- Nouns (e.g. pottery, Bowls, potter)
-- Pronouns (e.g. it)
-- Adjectives (e.g. wet, special, hot)
-- Present tense verbs (e.g. makes, spins, melts)
-- Time and sequence words (e.g. first, after, then)

Title Make a Coil Pot
Text Type Procedure
Pages 10–16
Text Form Instructions
Genre Non-fiction
Purpose To provide instructions about how to make or do something

Text Structure
Goal: Outlines what is to be achieved (Page 10)
Materials: Specifies the materials needed to achieve the goal (Pages 10–11)
Steps: Lists the steps in order of sequence (Pages 11–16)

Language Features
-- Nouns (e.g. pot, clay, knife)
-- Pronouns (e.g. you, they)
-- Adjectives (e.g. special, long)
-- Present tense verbs (e.g. Roll, Wind, press)
-- Adverbial phrases (e.g. on a plastic board)

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