World of Warcraf 4t: War Crimes | 拾書所

World of Warcraf 4t: War Crimes

$ 280 元 原價 280

Now in mass-market paperback—the national bestseller and direct tie-in to the new game expansion pack Warlords of Draenor—a thrilling novel set in the universe of the record-breaking, internationally bestselling video game World of Warcraft! The brutal siege of Orgrimmar is over. Alliance and Horde forces have stripped Garrosh Hellscream, one of the most reviled figures on Azeroth, of his title as warchief. His thirst for conquest devastated cities, nearly tore the Horde apart, and destroyed countless lives. Now, on the legendary continent of Pandaria, he will stand trial for his transgressions. Renowned leaders from across the world have gathered to witness this historic event. As the trial unfolds, agents of the bronze dragonflight present shocking visions of Garrosh’s atrocities. For many of those in attendance, these glimpses into history force them to relive painful memories and even question their own innocence or guilt. For others, the chilling details stoke the flames of their hatred. Unbeknownst to anyone, shadowy forces are at work on Azeroth, threatening not only the court’s ability to mete out justice…but also the lives of everyone at the trial. © 2015 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Blizzard Entertainment and World of Warcraft are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the US and/or other countries.

在享譽全球、玩家數量打破金氏世界紀錄的暢銷遊戲《魔獸世界》推出資料片《德拉諾之霸》的同時,玩家也可一併入手以魔獸世界為背景的精彩小說《World of Warcraft: War Crimes》大眾平裝版!在激烈的奧格瑪之戰結束後,聯盟與部落終於擊敗卡爾洛斯‧地獄吼,並將這個在艾澤拉斯人人恨之入骨的部落大酋長趕下寶座。此時卡爾洛斯對征服的渴望已然毀滅許多城市,造成無數生命的損失,也使得部落瀕臨分裂。因此,在聯盟與部落領導人的見證下,卡爾洛斯將於潘達利亞大陸,為其罪行接受審判。在審判中,青銅龍軍團的成員展示了卡爾洛斯施行暴行的殘酷影像。對在場許多人而言,這些影像不只喚起了他們痛苦的回憶,也使他們深受罪惡感的折磨。對其他人而言,這些殘暴的行為則加深了他們心中的恨意。與此同時,一股不為人知的力量正在艾澤拉斯悄悄醞釀著陰謀,不但試圖阻礙審判庭伸張正義,更可能會威脅與會者的生命。2015年由暴雪娛樂公司出版。版權所有,翻印必究。「暴雪娛樂」及《魔獸世界》在美國及其他國家已由暴雪娛樂公司註冊商標。

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