Minions: The Junior Novel 小小兵 | 拾書所

Minions: The Junior Novel 小小兵

$ 245 元 原價 245
The story of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment's Minions begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable of masters. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters-from T. rex to Napoleon-the Minions find themselves without someone to serve and fall into a deep depression.

But one Minion named Kevin has a plan, and he-alongside teenage rebel Stuart and lovable little Bob-ventures out into the world to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow.

The trio embarks upon a thrilling journey that ultimately leads them to their next potential master, Scarlet Overkill (Academy AwardR winner Sandra Bullock), the world's first-ever female super-villain. They travel from frigid Antarctica to 1960s New York City, ending in mod London, where they must face their biggest challenge to date: saving all of Minionkind...from annihilation.

Featuring a soundtrack of hit music from the '60s that still permeates our culture today, Minions is produced by Illumination's Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy, and is directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda. Brian Lynch has written the screenplay for the 3D-CG comedy adventure, and Chris Renaud serves as executive producer of the film.




小小兵故事起源於盤古開天時期,剛開始只是一個黃色的有機體,隨著時間漸漸演化成小小兵團,他們的存在目的就是要服侍當代最兇惡的主人,然而從T. Rex 恐龍,埃及法老王,拿破崙甚至是德古拉,小小兵總是不停的失敗了-到最後小小兵們發現已經沒有可以服侍的主人,從此開始鬱鬱寡歡,甚至逐漸凋零。這時其中的一隻小小兵—凱文他有個偉大的計畫,就是帶著他的麻吉—大胃王史都華還有膽小的蘿蔔,挺身而出踏上尋找新主人的冒險旅程…





 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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