The Vacationers (Riverhead) | 拾書所

The Vacationers (Riverhead)

$ 560 元 原價 560

For the Posts, a two-week trip to the Balearic island of Mallorca with their extended family and friends is a celebration: Franny and Jim are observing their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, and their daughter, Sylvia, has graduated from high school. The sunlit island, its mountains and beaches, its tapas and tennis courts, also promise an escape from the tensions simmering at home in Manhattan. But all does not go according to plan: Oover the course of the vacation, secrets come to light, old and new humiliations are experienced, childhood rivalries resurface, and ancient wounds are exacerbated. This is a story of the sides of ourselves that we choose to show and those we try to conceal, of the ways we tear each other down and build each other up again, and the bonds that ultimately hold us together. With wry humor and tremendous heart, Emma Straub delivers a richly satisfying tale of a family in the midst of a maelstrom of change, emerging irrevocably altered yet whole.

玻斯特一家人和親朋好友到巴利亞利群島的馬約卡島度假兩個禮拜,打算好好慶祝一場,因為弗蘭妮和吉姆迎來了 35 年結婚紀念日,而他們的女兒希爾薇亞也順利高中畢業了。陽光明媚的島嶼、山嶽和海洋,以及美食和網球場,本應讓大家暫時忘卻曼哈頓家中一觸即發的緊張局面,然而美好的計畫卻趕不上變化。度假期間,祕密一樁樁曝光;大家紛紛開始互揭瘡疤、互相羞辱;兒時的對立情緒再度浮上檯面;舊時的創傷更加惡化。這個故事述說了那些我們努力展現的美好面以及極力隱藏的黑暗面、人與人之間互相傷害卻又互相扶持的矛盾,以及終將所有人凝聚在一起的羈絆。作者透過寬容的心胸和挖苦幽默的文字,精彩地描述了主角的家庭在歷經翻天覆地的改變後,再也無法回到從前,生命卻反而變得更為完整。 

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