Who Was Woodrow Wilson? (絕版售完為止) 伍德羅.威爾遜 | 拾書所

Who Was Woodrow Wilson? (絕版售完為止) 伍德羅.威爾遜

$ 210 元 原價 210

First he was known as Tommy, then Woodrow, and eventually, Mr. President. Born on December 28, 1856, in Staunton, Virginia, Thomas Woodrow Wilson was a born leader. He was the president of Princeton University, served as governor of New Jersey after that, and was then elected president of the United States.

But not everything was so easy for Wilson. He was ahead of his time in wanting a League of Nations after World War I to help prevent another war like it, but his hopes were dashed when the United States refused to join.

Margaret Frith offers a fascinating look at how this magnificent and tragic figure handled debilitating illness, heartbreak, and "the war to end all wars."

一開始,大家都叫他湯米,後來是伍德羅,最後則是總統先生。湯瑪士.伍德羅.威爾遜於 1856 年 12 月 28 日誕生在維吉尼亞州的史坦頓,他是天生的領袖,曾擔任普林斯頓大學校長、紐澤西州州長,之後獲選為美國總統。


作者 Margaret Frith 精彩呈現了威爾遜的故事,帶著讀者一窺這個傑出但悲劇性的人物如何處理可怕的疫情、心碎的痛苦及「終止所有戰爭的戰爭」。

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