Think and Grow Rich for Women | 拾書所

Think and Grow Rich for Women

$ 470 元 原價 595

Women are the future of American business. According to a recent Nielsen report, women will control two-thirds of American consumer wealth in less than a decade.

And yet almost all business and success literature is still written for men—dispensing advice that doesn’t take into account women’s unique strengths or address the demands of family life on mothers.

Think and Grow Rich for Women is a powerful new book—from the award-winning author of Think and Grow Rich: Three Feet from Gold and coauthor of the multimillion-selling Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It combines Hill’s classic Thirteen Steps to Success with case studies of noteworthy women (including Sandra Day O’Connor, Maya Angelou, Katie Couric, Caroline Kennedy, Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, Margaret Thatcher, Condoleezza Rice, J. K. Rowling, Barbara De Angelis, Marianne Williamson, Angela Merkel, Mary Kay Ash, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty,and many more), outlining a master plan for success for all women.



本書極具影響力,作者撰寫過得獎著作《Think and Grow Rich: Three Feet from Gold》,並且也是狂銷百萬冊的《富爸爸,窮爸爸》作者之一。本書將拿破崙‧希爾的經典著作《Thirteen Steps to Success》與知名女性的成功案例結合,為所有女性讀者抽絲剝繭,分析何為最佳成功之道。書中提及的例子包括珊卓拉‧戴‧歐康納、馬婭‧安傑盧、凱蒂‧庫瑞克、卡洛琳‧甘迺迪、瑪丹娜、歐普拉、柴契爾夫人、康朵麗莎‧萊斯、J. K. 羅琳、芭芭拉‧安吉麗思、瑪麗安娜‧威廉森、安格拉‧梅克爾、玫琳凱‧艾施、 IBM 執行長吉妮.羅曼堤等等。


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