Amelia Bedelia and her mother share a summer vacation home at the shore with her aunt Mary (her mother's sister) and her cousin Jason, who has a wicked sense of adventure and a nose for trouble. With a local girl named Pearl as guide, the cousins build sand castles, swim and body surf, and learn how to sail. As much fun as their nautical adventures are, the lives of this trio get way more exciting when they stumble upon pirates! The Amelia Bedelia chapter books star Amelia Bedelia as a young girl and feature funny family and friendship stories just right for fans of Judy Moody and Ivy + Bean. The Amelia Bedelia books have sold more than 35 million copies since we first met the iconic character in 1963!
艾蜜莉亞與媽媽一同到瑪莉姨媽在海邊的小屋度假。艾蜜莉亞和古靈精怪、愛冒險闖禍的表哥傑森,跟著本地的小女孩嚮導珍珠一起堆了沙堡、游泳、衝浪,還學習怎麼玩風帆。三人組展開妙趣橫生的海上冒險,中途偶遇海盜,讓她們的旅程更加驚險刺激!本轉接讀本系列描寫主角艾蜜莉亞與家人和朋友的種種趣事,《Judy Mody》和《Ivy+ Bean》系列童書的小粉絲,一定會對本系列叢書愛不釋手!自 1963 年推出廣受歡迎的主角艾蜜莉亞與讀者見面後,本系列已售出超過 3 千 5 百萬冊。
Age Range: 6-10 years