National Curriculum Mathematics Practice - Year 6 (Scholastic UK) | 拾書所

National Curriculum Mathematics Practice - Year 6 (Scholastic UK)

$ 450 元 原價 450

Master the 2014 Curriculum with Scholastic's 100 Lessons. The new National Curriculum has landed ...and Scholastic's acclaimed 100 Lessons series is back to help teachers and pupils. Trusted by teachers for 15 years and selling more than one million copies, 100 Lessons has now been completely rewritten and is fully in line with the 2014 objectives. Now introducing the first 100s workbooks to help children take ownership of their learning. This book provides your child with a whole year of ready to go activities and support on key Mathematics topics which will be being taught in school from 2014.

* Workbooks for home learning or classroom practice
* Linked directly to what your children will be learning in school 
* A linked website provides additional activities, answers and support for parents 
* Developed by teachers to ensure the best possible support for the new 2014 National Curriculum. 

最新的英國國定課程 (National Curriculum) 已經上路,讓 Scholatic 出版的《100 Lessons》系列叢書幫助您應戰 2014 年最新課綱! Scholatic 出版社的系列書籍《100 Lessons》聲譽卓著,是教師與學生學習的後盾,15年來廣受教師信任,銷售量超過一百萬本。最新版本配合 2014 年新課綱全部重新改寫。現在就利用本系列練習簿來幫助孩子自主學習吧!本書內含一年份學前準備活動,協助孩子提前為學校的新版數學課程做準備。本書包含以下幾大特色:


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