Who Was Beatrix Potter? 碧雅翠絲.波特 | 拾書所

Who Was Beatrix Potter? 碧雅翠絲.波特

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Born into wealth in 1860’s London, Beatrix Potter always had a vivid imagination. Her early interests included natural history and archaeology, and Potter delighted in sketching fossils and fungi. After briefly illustrating Christmas cards with her brother, Bertram, Potter wrote and illustrated her well-known book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. The book was rejected by several publishes until Frederick Warne eventually took a risk and published the story in 1902 - a risk that paid off. Peter Rabbit was a huge success and readers loved hearing about Peter's mischevious adventures in the lush English countryside. As she got older, Beatrix Potter became a proud conservationist, working hard to defend the landscape she loved so well against industrialization and logging. Now over one hundred years old, Peter Rabbit and his animal friends have become cultural touchstones and continue to delight readers of all ages.

碧雅翠絲.波特於 1860 年代出生在倫敦,家境富裕,從小就有豐富的想像力。她早年的興趣非常廣泛,舉凡自然歷史到考古學都是她的愛好,還喜歡素描,畫過了許多化石和菌類。碧雅翠絲曾經與弟弟柏川設計聖誕卡片商品,不久後便一手包辦繪圖與寫作,創作知名童書繪本《小兔彼得的故事》。在當時,多家出版商拒絕出版這本童書,直到 1902 年,出版社 Frederick Warne & Co冒險一試,爾後也證實了這一個賭注非常值得。《小兔彼得的故事》獲得廣大迴響,讀者十分喜愛調皮的彼得兔,在綠意盎然的英國鄉村中所經歷的冒險故事。後來碧雅翠絲‧波特致力環保,維護自己深愛的大自然,使其免於工業化和濫伐的毒手。百年過後的今日,彼得兔和他的動物好朋友們成為了珍貴的文化資產,他們的冒險故事也持續為各年齡層的讀者帶來歡樂。

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