Barron's ACT 36 with CD-ROM, 3rd Edition: Aiming for the Perfect Score | 拾書所

Barron's ACT 36 with CD-ROM, 3rd Edition: Aiming for the Perfect Score

$ 1,050 元 原價 1,050

An ACT test score of 36 represents test-taking perfection. College-bound students who approach this score are virtually assured of acceptance into the nation's finest colleges. Students who are focusing on getting an exceptionally high or even perfect score on the ACT will want to get their hands on this innovative book.

Inside, they'll find:
* Advice and strategies for tackling the ACT's most difficult questions and coming up with winning answers
* Extra-challenging practice tests in all ACT test areas: English, Math, Reading, Science, and the optional Writing test
* Instruction on reading efficiently and retentively
* Special tips for boosting your science score
* Detailed advice on writing a winning essay

美國大學入學考試 (ACT) 滿分 36,是所有考生夢寐以求的完美目標,征服 ACT ,就等於取得全美頂尖大學門票。本書針對想要登峰造極、挑戰滿分的考生量身打造,提供必勝對策以及高分詳解,幫助考生輕鬆應答,面對各種難題皆能迎刃而解。

* 針對 ACT 最艱澀的考題提供建議和答題策略,附上參考解答。
* 提供高難度全科模擬試題,涵蓋英文、數學、科學、閱讀及寫作測驗,挑戰實力巔峰。  
* 傳授閱讀訣竅,能提高閱讀效率,並增強記憶力。 
* 獨家秘訣大公開,科學測驗輕鬆拿高分。  
* 傳授寫作教戰守則,寫出優異作文不費力。

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