Dana Nolan was a promising young TV reporter until a notorious serial killer tried to add her to his list of victims. Nearly a year has passed since surviving her ordeal, but the physical, emotional, and psychological scars run deep. Struggling with the torment of post-traumatic stress syndrome, plagued by flashbacks and nightmares as dark as the heart of a killer, Dana returns to her hometown in an attempt to begin to put her life back together. But home doesn’t provide the comfort she expects. Dana’s harrowing story and her return to small town life have rekindled police and media interest in the unsolved case of her childhood best friend, Casey Grant, who disappeared without a trace the summer after their graduation from high school. Terrified of truths long-buried, Dana reluctantly begins to look back at her past. Viewed through the dark filter of PTSD, old friends and loved ones become suspects and enemies. Questioning everything she knows, refusing to be defined by the traumas of her past and struggling against excruciating odds, Dana seeks out a truth that may prove too terrible to be believed…
在惡名昭彰的連續殺人魔盯上她以前,戴娜‧諾蘭是大有可為的年輕電視台記者。雖然戴娜從死神的魔爪下逃離也已經快一年了,然而,無論是心理、情緒還是生理上的創傷都對她影響甚鉅。她飽受創傷後壓力症候群的煎熬,像殺手的心一樣黑暗的噩夢以及不堪回首的往事,也不斷困擾著她。戴娜回到家鄉,努力讓一切再重上軌道,但是家這個避風港並沒有完全撫慰她受傷的心靈。 帶著悲慘過往回到家鄉小鎮的戴娜,讓警方及媒體重新關注起一件懸而未決的失蹤案件。戴娜童年最好的玩伴凱西‧格蘭特,在中學畢業的那年夏天就音訊全無。戴娜對埋藏已久的真相感到恐懼,卻被迫回首過去。在創傷後壓力症候群的影響下,老朋友及摯愛的人看起來都像嫌疑犯和敵人。她對自己所知的一切提出質疑,不讓過去的創傷影響自己,拒絕與苦難妥協,最後竟挖掘出不可置信的真相。