Edge of Eternity: Book Three of The Century Trilogy (Signet) | 拾書所

Edge of Eternity: Book Three of The Century Trilogy (Signet)

$ 315 元 原價 315

Edge of Eternity, the finale, covers one of the most tumultuous eras of all: the 1960s through the 1980s, encompassing civil rights, assassinations, Vietnam, the Berlin Wall, the Cuban Missile Crisis, presidential impeachment, revolution—and rock and roll. East German teacher Rebecca Hoffman discovers she’s been spied on by the Stasi for years and commits an impulsive act that will affect her family for generations… George Jakes, himself bi-racial, bypasses corporate law to join Robert F. Kennedy’s Justice Department and finds himself in the middle of not only the seminal events of the civil rights battle, but also a much more personal battle… Cameron Dewar, the grandson of a senator, jumps at the chance to do some espionage for a cause he believes in, only to discover that the world is much more dangerous than he’d imagined… Dimka Dvorkin, a young aide to Khrushchev, becomes an agent for good and for ill as the Soviet Union and the United States race to the brink of nuclear war, while his twin sister, Tania, carves out a role that will take her from Moscow to Cuba to Prague to Warsaw—and into history. These characters and many others find their lives inextricably entangled as they add their personal stories and insight to the most defining events of the 20th century. From the opulent offices of the most powerful world leaders to the shabby apartments of those trying to begin a new empire, from the elite clubs of the wealthy and highborn to the passionate protests of a country’s most marginalized citizens, this is truly a drama for the ages. With the Century Trilogy, Follett has guided readers through an entire era of history with a master’s touch. His unique ability to tell fascinating, brilliantly researched stories that captivate readers and keep them turning the pages is unparalleled. In this climactic and concluding saga, Follett brings us into a world we thought we knew, but now will never seem the same again.

《The Century Trilogy》系列最終集《Edge of Eternity》故事背景設定在史上最動亂的時代: 1960 到 1980 年代,內容涵蓋了民權、暗殺事件、越南戰爭、柏林圍牆、古巴導彈危機、總統彈劾、革命以及搖滾樂。東德教師蕾貝卡.霍夫曼發現自己被國家安全部監視多年,因而做出一件可能會影響家族世世代代的衝動之舉。喬治.傑克斯是混血兒,他放棄了自己的法律事業,加入了小甘迺迪執掌的司法部,卻發現自己置身重大的非裔美國人民權運動之戰,而這更是一場攸關他自己本身權益的戰爭。參議員之孫卡麥隆.迪瓦,抓住機會為他所相信的志業從事間諜活動,卻只發現世界比他想像的更為險惡。隨著蘇聯和美國的軍備競賽不斷升級,核戰一觸即發,赫魯雪夫的年輕助手丁卡.德瓦卡基成了一名情報員,這對他而言可說是利弊參半。同時他的孿生姊妹坦妮,為了賦予給自己的任務,從莫斯科到了古巴,又從布拉格到了華沙,最終被載入史冊。上述這些人物和其他許多角色,都在參與二十世紀最關鍵的幾起事件並各紓洞見時,發現彼此的人生不可分割地交纏一起。從權勢頂天的世界領導人氣派的辦公室,到新帝國開拓者破舊的公寓,從富人名門的菁英俱樂部,到受邊緣化的人民激情的抗議,毫無疑問,這是一齣世紀大戲。透過《The Century Trilogy》,作者 Ken Follet 用大師的筆觸,引領讀者走過整個時代的歷史。 Follett是位無人能及的作家,他的敘事技巧獨特,故事引人入勝,內容更經過仔細考察,使讀者欲罷不能。在這本高潮迭起的長篇終章,他要帶著讀者一起踏入一個我們自以為了解的世界───但現在,我們看世界的眼光,已全然不同。


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