Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science #2: What Makes Day and Night (2015新版) | 拾書所

Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science #2: What Makes Day and Night (2015新版)

$ 245 元 原價 245

If you lived on the moon, you would have two straight weeks of daylight and then two weeks of night! On earth, we have both day and night in just twenty-four hours, thanks to the quick rotation of our planet.

Now rebranded with a new cover look, this classic picture book uses simple, fun diagrams and a guided experiment to explain what makes day and night.

This book also includes a find out more section with additional activities to track nocturnal animals and to compare different times of day around the world.

如果你住在月球,將會有長達兩星期的白晝,以及長達兩星期的黑夜!幸虧地球的自轉速度較快,讓我們的晝夜交替在 24 小時內便能完成。



 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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