Who Were The Brothers Grimm? 格林兄弟 | 拾書所

Who Were The Brothers Grimm? 格林兄弟

$ 210 元 原價 210

Known as the keepers of modern-day fairy tales, The Brothers Grimm are as legendary as their stories. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in 1780s Germany and were inseparable throughout their childhood. While pursuing their law degrees, the two became fascinated with folktales and folk songs. Together, they researched and published centuries of folklore in their famous early nineteenth-century compilation, Children’s and Household Tales. Thanks to the Brothers Grimm, German folk tales like “Rumpelstiltskin,” “Little Red Ridinghood,” and “Hansel and Gretel" are enjoyed by children everywhere.

格林兄弟一向以現代童話守護者的身分為人熟知,而兩兄弟就如同他們筆下的故事一樣充滿傳奇色彩。雅各布.格林和威廉.格林出生於 1780 年代的德國,整個童年兩兄弟都形影不離。在攻讀法律學位時,兄弟倆對民間傳說和童謠產生了高度興趣,他們四處蒐集、研究好幾世紀的民間傳說資料,並於十九世紀早期一同出版了膾炙人口的《兒童與家庭童話集》。由於格林兄弟的推廣,世界各地的兒童都對《名字古怪的小矮人》、《小紅帽》、《糖果屋》等德國民間傳說愛不釋手。

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