Aunt Molly has entered a joke-telling contest at a local comedy club and Cam, her best friend Eric, and Mr. Jansen are in the audience to watch her perform. The prizes are exciting, but the competition is stiff —there’s a prop comic, a knock-knock joker, and more!
As the show starts, Cam notices that one of the prizes, an engraved silver plate, has disappeared. Suddenly, everyone in the club becomes a suspect. Can Cam solve the mystery of the missing prize or will she be laughed out of the Joke House?
比賽才開始,凱姆就發現其中一個獎項不見了,那是一個有雕刻花紋的銀盤。此時,在俱樂部所有的觀眾都成了嫌疑犯。凱姆是否能解開疑雲找回銀盤,又或者她會成為當天「笑話屋」 (the Joke House) 最大的笑話呢?
Age Range: 6 - 8 years