Step into Reading 2: Whiskers | 拾書所

Step into Reading 2: Whiskers

$ 111 元 原價 140

Did you know catsIs use their whiskers to hunt mice? Or that walruses can have up to 700 whiskers? Find out more amazing facts in this exciting easy-to-read book. Mile 2 books offer word play and pattern stories to keep beginners hooked, and 2-3 lines of text per page to keep them challenged.

你知不知道貓咪能用鬍鬚獵捕老鼠?你知不知道海象最多有700根鬍鬚?此書精彩易讀,還有更多不可思議的小知識等你來挖掘。此二級讀本內容有巧妙的文字遊戲與模式故事,讓剛接觸閱讀的小朋友愛不釋手。此外,每頁 2 至 3 行的文字對小讀者而言也是項挑戰。

 Age Range: 4 - 6 years

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