As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust (Bantam) | 拾書所

As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust (Bantam)

$ 280 元 原價 280

Banished! is how twelve-year-old Flavia de Luce laments her predicament, when her father and Aunt Felicity ship her off to Miss Bodycote’s Female Academy, the boarding school that her mother, Harriet, once attended across the sea in Canada. The sun has not yet risen on Flavia’s first day in captivity when a gift lands at her feet. Flavia being Flavia, a budding chemist and sleuth, that gift is a charred and mummified body, which tumbles out of a bedroom chimney. Now, while attending classes, making friends (and enemies), and assessing the school’s stern headmistress and faculty (one of whom is an acquitted murderess), Flavia is on the hunt for the victim’s identity and time of death, as well as suspects, motives, and means. Rumors swirl that Miss Bodycote’s is haunted, and that several girls have disappeared without a trace. When it comes to solving multiple mysteries, Flavia is up to the task—but her true destiny has yet to be revealed.

我被趕出來了! 12 歲的芙拉維亞對自己的現況感到無奈。爸爸和菲莉西媞阿姨把芙拉維亞送到寶蒂考特校長的女子學院,這裡和加拿大間隔著一大片海,要搭船才能到。芙拉維亞的媽媽海莉特也曾在這間寄宿學校就讀。被關到學校裡的第一天,天都還沒亮,潛力無限的小化學家和小偵探芙拉維亞就收到了一份禮物:一具從寢室煙囪裡掉出來的焦黑木乃伊。芙拉維亞仍一如往常地上學、交朋友(當然也免不了樹立了一些死對頭),同時也一邊調查處事嚴格的校長和全體老師(其中一位還是無罪釋放的殺人犯)。她不斷調查焦黑木乃伊的身分、死亡時間、嫌疑犯、以及犯人的動機和犯罪手段。大家都傳言寶蒂考特校長的女子學院鬧鬼,還有好幾位女同學無緣無故失蹤。複雜錯縱的謎題就交給芙拉維亞吧!只是芙拉維亞的命運最後會如何,無人能知曉。

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