Where Is Niagara Falls? 尼亞加拉瀑布 | 拾書所

Where Is Niagara Falls? 尼亞加拉瀑布

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
The mist from the Falls used to create nighttime rainbows
As big as the falls are, one day the Falls will be gone
People have gone over the Falls in just a barrel–and survived.
While traveling through Canada in 1678, a French priest came across the most gigantic waterfalls he’d ever seen. Stricken with both awe and fear, he began to shake, fell to his knees, and prayed. Ever since, people from all over the world have come to explore Niagara: among them the daredevils determined to tumble down or walk across the falls on tightrope. Kids will get a kick reading about the hare-brained stunts and will also learn how the falls were formed and how–one day–they will disappear.

時值 1678 年,一位法國教士行經加拿大,映入眼簾的是生平所見最雄偉的瀑布。深感敬畏及恐懼,他開始顫抖,雙膝著地並祈禱。從此,世界各地的遊客便爭相造訪尼加拉瀑布,其中有些膽大之徒,甚至決意從瀑布上一躍而下,亦或行走於橫跨瀑布的鋼索上。此書記錄了種種有勇無謀的誇張行徑,可以讓孩子的閱讀興致大大提升,同時也能讓他們了解瀑布如何形成,以及瀑布會如何消失。

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