Snail Trails and Other Tales | 拾書所

Snail Trails and Other Tales

$ 495 元 原價 495
【本書內容】 Herman the snail lives in a head of cabbage on one side of a big vegetable garden. His friend Paxton lives in a head of lettuce on the other side. One day Herman decides to visit Paxton. It takes a whole year to make the journey, and on the way he meets all kinds of interesting characters. Herman's adventure teaches children the months of the year, and about vegetables and garden creatures. Poor Max and Cat are stranded on an island. They are soooo hungry! On MOnday they see one banana tree. On Tuesday they see two apple trees On Wednesday they see three orange trees....and so they teach children he days of hte week, counting, colors and fruit. And finally, a mouse finally has to see who has enough puff to blow out Benny's birthday candles. Children will enjoy this humorous story while getting to know all the names for the different members of a family. 故事1 赫爾曼蝸牛住在一個菜園裡的大白菜裡,他的好朋友帕克斯頓則住在生菜裡,帕克斯頓的生菜小屋位在菜園裡遙遠的另一邊。有一天赫爾曼決定拜訪帕克斯頓,為了拜訪帕克斯頓,赫爾曼蝸牛的冒險旅程需要用上整整一年,旅程的路上,他認識了很多有趣的新朋友住在各式各樣的蔬菜裡,這真是太有趣了。赫爾曼的冒險旅程教孩子們認識到一年四季中,關於各種蔬菜和菜園裡生物。 故事2 可憐的Max和貓被困在一個島上,他們餓壞了!週一,他們看到一棵香蕉樹。週二,他們看到兩棵蘋果樹。週三,他們看到三棵橘子樹....等等。讓Max和貓教會孩子們認識星期週數,數字,顏色和水果樹吧。 故事3 今天是老鼠Benny的生日,他想看看眾多的家庭成員裡,有誰可以將生日蛋糕上無數的蠟燭一口氣吹熄,快來接受挑戰吧。孩子們會喜歡這個幽默的故事,同時了解所有家庭成員的名字。


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