Saint Odd: An Odd Thomas Novel (PAPERBACK) | 拾書所

Saint Odd: An Odd Thomas Novel (PAPERBACK)

$ 350 元 原價 350

From one of the master storytellers of this or any age (The Tampa Tribune) comes the stunning final adventure of one of the most remarkable and appealing characters in current fiction(The Virginian-Pilot)as Dean Koontz brings the unforgettable odyssey of Odd Thomas to its dazzling conclusion. Odd Thomas is back where it all started . . . because the time has come to finish it. Since he left his simple life in the small town of Pico Mundo, California, his journey has taken him to places strange and wonderful, mysterious and terrifying. Across the land, in the company of mortals and spirits alike, he has known kindness and cruelty, felt love and loss, saved lives and taken themas hes borne witness to humanitys greatest good and darkest evil. Again and again, he has gone where he must and done what he had to dofor better or worsewith his courage and devotion sorely tested, and his soul forever changed. Every triumph has been hard won. Each sacrifice has taken its toll. Now, whatever destiny drives him has finally steered his steps home, where those he cares for most surround him, the memory of his tragically lost true love haunts him, and one last challengevast and dreadfulawaits him. For Odd Thomas, born to serve a purpose far greater than himself, the wandering is done. Only the reckoning remains.

《坦帕論壇報》將丁・昆士譽為「古今中外最會說故事的小說家之一」,《維吉尼亞先鋒報》更將本書主角點評為「近代小說中,最成功也最吸引人的角色之一」。這次,作者丁・昆士將帶來《Odd Thomas》系列作品之精彩大結局,令人難忘、漫長的歷奇之旅,終於來到最終章。主角湯瑪斯回到旅程的原點,為一切劃下句點的時候到了。自從湯瑪斯離開加州的皮可蒙多鎮,他也和他的平凡生活從此告別。這趟旅程把他帶往各地,這些地方詭異又奇幻,神祕且駭人。這位廚師橫跨這塊土地,與凡人和靈體共處,一次次親眼見證到人性的最善與最惡,了解到仁慈和殘酷,體會了愛與失去。他拯救生命,也取他人性命。每一次,湯瑪斯都深入險境不懼危險,儘管結果有好有壞,他總是盡力完成該做的事。這樣的信念,讓湯瑪斯不斷通過勇氣與忠誠的考驗,人生從此改變。每場勝利都得來不易,每次犧牲也讓他付出慘痛代價。現在,命運驅使他回到家鄉,這裡住著他最掛心的人,但失去摯愛的回憶依舊在他腦中揮之不去。然而,最後一項巨大而艱辛的挑戰正等著他。對湯瑪斯而言,完成這項與生俱來的使命,比什麼都還重要。迷惘的時刻已結束,餘下的是深沉的思考。

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