The Big Short (Movie Tie-in) 大賣空 | 拾書所

The Big Short (Movie Tie-in) 大賣空

$ 350 元 原價 350

★ 本書改編電影《大賣空》榮獲2016年第88屆奧斯卡金像獎『最佳改編劇本獎』
★ 另入圍第88屆奧斯卡金像獎『最佳影片獎』、『最佳導演獎』、『最佳改編劇本獎』、『最佳男配角』和『最佳剪輯獎』5項提名  

From the author of The Blind Side and Moneyball, The Big Short tells the story of four outsiders in the world of high-finance who predict the credit and housing bubble collapse before anyone else. The film adaptation by Adam McKay (Anchorman I and II, The Other Guys) features Academy AwardR winners Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, Melissa Leo and Marisa Tomei; Academy AwardR nominees Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling. When the crash of the U.S. stock market became public knowledge in the fall of 2008, it was already old news. The real crash, the silent crash, had taken place over the previous year, in bizarre feeder markets where the sun doesn’t shine and the SEC doesn’t dare, or bother, to tread. Who understood the risk inherent in the assumption of ever-rising real estate prices, a risk compounded daily by the creation of those arcane, artificial securities loosely based on piles of doubtful mortgages? In this fitting sequel to Liar’s Poker, Michael Lewis answers that question in a narrative brimming with indignation and dark humor.

本書由暢銷作品《攻其不備》與《魔球》作者麥克•路易士所著,內容講述四位巨額融資界的另類投資客,比其他人率先預測到全球信貸和房市泡沫危機的故事,並引領讀者一窺史上最大金融風暴的始末。同名電影《大賣空》由亞當•麥凱執導(其他作品包含《銀幕大角頭 I 、 II》和《B 咖戰警》),奧斯卡金像獎得主克里斯汀•貝爾、布萊德•彼特、梅莉莎•李歐、麗莎•托梅、奧斯卡金像獎提名人史提夫•卡爾和萊恩•葛斯林領銜主演。2008 年秋季,美國股市崩盤震驚大眾,但其實它早已是舊聞了。真正的衝擊、無聲的崩盤早在前些年於一個奇特的市場爆發。那是個光照不到的黑暗之處,美國證券交易委員會不敢也不願插手。有誰知道房地產預估價格飆升所伴隨的風險?又有誰知道這些神秘的人為債券組合,其實建築在成堆可疑房貸之上,搖搖欲墜呢?本書為暢銷作品《老千騙局》的續集,作者路易士以犀利筆調與黑色幽默,為讀者揭開次貸危機的面紗,再創精彩篇章。

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