When your cousin goes missing under suspicious circumstances, who do you call? There’s only one man for the job: a half-crazed, half-feral, one-eyed ex-governor named Skink. Skink joins 14-year-old Richard on a breakneck chase across Florida, undaunted by lightning storms, poisonous snakes, flying bullets, and giant gators. There are a million places cousin Malley could be, a million unpleasant fates that might have befallen her, but one thing is certain: in the Florida swamp, justice is best served wild.
假使你的表妹離奇失蹤了,你會向誰求助?只有一個男人可以幫上忙!他就是那近乎瘋狂、隱居野外的獨眼前任州長,號稱石龍。他跟隨 14 歲的理查,以驚人的速度展開一場橫跨佛羅里達州的追逐戰,途中除雷雨肆虐,毒蛇四伏,兩人更遇上槍林彈雨,甚至是巨鱷的攻擊,但他們卻成功勇闖層層難關。瑪莉表妹可能去的地方如果有一百萬個,就可能因此遇上一百萬場浩劫,唯一可以確定的是:在佛羅里達沼澤中,只有野蠻手段才能實行正義之道。