Last One Home (Ballantine) (PAPERBACK) | 拾書所

Last One Home (Ballantine) (PAPERBACK)

$ 280 元 原價 280

Debbie Macomber, author of the Blossom Street and Cedar Cove series, delivers an inspiring new stand-alone novel about the enduring bond between sisters, the power of forgiveness, and a second chance at love. Growing up, Cassie Carter and her sisters, Karen and Nichole, were incredibly closeuntil one fateful event drove them apart. After high school, Cassie ran away from home to marry the wrong man, throwing away a college scholarship and breaking her parents hearts. To make matters worse, Cassie had always been their fathers favoritea sentiment that weighed heavily on her sisters and made Cassies actions even harder to bear. Now thirty-one, Cassie is back in Washington, living in Seattle with her daughter and hoping to leave her past behind. After ending a difficult marriage, Cassie is back on her own two feet, the pieces of her life slowly but surely coming together. Despite the strides Cassies made, she hasnt been able to make peace with her sisters. Karen, the oldest, is a busy wife and mother, balancing her career with raising her two children. And Nichole, the youngest, is a stay-at-home mom whose husband indulges her every whim. Then one day, Cassie receives a letter from Karen, offering what Cassie thinks may be a chance to reconcile. And as Cassie opens herself up to new possibilitiesmaking amends with her sisters, finding love once moreshe realizes the power of compassion, and the promise of a fresh start. A wonderful novel of perseverance and trust, and an exciting journey through lifes challenges and joys, Last One Home is Debbie Macomber at the height of her talents.

Blossom Street》和《Cedar Cove》系列小說作者黛比.瑪康珀,再度推出令人耳目一新的獨立作品,故事述說關於姊妹之間的永恆羈絆、寬恕的力量及再次尋愛的機會。凱西.卡特和她的姊妹凱倫和妮可,自小形影不離,親密無間——直到命運將迫使他們感情分裂。高中畢業後,凱西離家踏入錯誤的婚姻,不僅丟掉了大學獎學金,還讓父母心碎。更糟的是,凱西一直以來都是爸爸最疼愛的女兒,這樣的狀況不但讓她的姊妹感到煎熬,也讓凱西的所作所為更讓人難以接受。現已三十一歲的凱西回到了華盛頓,和女兒定居在西雅圖,希望能拋開過去,重新生活。結束一段艱難的婚姻後,凱西如今已能自食其力,回歸生活的步調雖然緩慢,但也有了穩定的開始。然而即便如此,凱西卻仍然無法和姊妹重修舊好。姊姊凱倫是個忙碌的妻子和母親,努力在照顧兩個小孩和工作間取得平衡。妹妹妮可是個全職媽媽,她的丈夫對她的每個想法都十分縱容。某天,凱西收到一封凱倫寄來的信,她認為這封信或許能讓她們和好。凱西敞開心胸接受新的可能,設法修補她和姊妹的關係,也嘗試再次尋找真愛。此時,她體悟到了慈悲 的力量,和重新來過帶來的希望。這部精采絕倫的作品述說關於毅力和信任的故事,以及一場充滿挑戰和喜悅的精彩人生旅程,堪稱黛比.瑪康珀寫作生涯的顛峰之作。

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