I Can Read 1: Amelia Bedelia by the Yard | 拾書所

I Can Read 1: Amelia Bedelia by the Yard

$ 138 元 原價 175

Learn to read with young Amelia Bedelia! The Amelia Bedelia books are great for growing the vocabularies of newly independent readers. Amelia Bedelia by the Yard is a funny story about community, family, and helping out, and it stars Amelia Bedelia as a young girl. More than 35 million Amelia Bedelia books sold since 1963!

Amelia Bedelia’s parents are holding a yard sale—but Amelia Bedelia loves playing in her yard, and she doesn’t want to sell it! Luckily, her mother promises they will only sell things in the yard. When one neighbor wishes she could buy the flowers, Amelia Bedelia fetches a shovel to dig some up. After all, a yard will always grow back!

跟著美國最受歡迎的家事小幫手─小艾美莉亞一起閱讀!本書程度為《I Can Read book》系列 Level 1 。以一個小女孩的有趣故事,談及社區、家庭及幫忙等主題。小艾美莉亞系列自1963年已銷售超過3,500萬本書!


 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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