Trust No One (PAPERBACK) | 拾書所

Trust No One (PAPERBACK)

$ 280 元 原價 280

When Grace Elland finds her boss, motivational speaker Sprague Witherspoon, murdered, a vodka bottle on his nightstand is a terrifying reminder of the horrors of her past—one that can be no coincidence. To regroup, Grace retreats to her childhood home, Cloud Lake, where she meets venture capitalist Julius Arkwright, a man who lives to make money, by any means necessary. But the intense former Marine has skills that Grace can use—to figure out her future. And he’s the perfect man to help Grace when it becomes clear she is being stalked. As Witherspoon’s financial empire continues to crumble around them, taking a deadly toll, Julius will walk Grace step by step into her past to uncover a devious plan to destroy not only Grace, but everyone around her as well…

Grace Elland 發現她那勵志演說家老闆- Sprague Witherspoon,竟然是殺人兇手!他床頭櫃上的那瓶伏特加,逼得她想起過去那件讓她害怕的事。這不可能是巧合!為了重組記憶, Grace 離開現在的生活,回到童年時期的家─雲湖。在那裡,她遇到風險資本家─ Julius Arkwright,一個為錢而活的人,必要時也會採取任何手段。然而,前海軍陸戰隊隊員可以幫助 Grace ,讓她搞清楚她的未來。 Grace 很明顯被跟蹤時,他是幫助 Grace 的最佳人選。 Witherspoon 的經濟帝國還是持續在摧毀他們,讓他們損失慘重。 Julius 帶著 Grace 一步一步的走進她的過去並揭發邪惡計劃,這將不只毀了 Grace 而已,甚至讓她身邊的每個人都陷入這場危機…

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