What Was the Great Depression? 經濟大蕭條 | 拾書所

What Was the Great Depression? 經濟大蕭條

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
During the Great Depression people waited in long lines for a free loaf of bread
During the Great Depression some families lived in cardboard shacks in “shantytowns”
The Great Depression was one of the worst periods of economic hardship in modern history

On October 29, 1929, life in the United States took a turn for the worst. The stock market – the system that controls money in America – plunged to a record low.

But this event was only the beginning of many bad years to come. By the early 1930s, one out of three people was not working. People lost their jobs, their houses, or both and ended up in shantytowns called “Hoovervilles” named for the president at the time of the crash.

By 1933, many banks had gone under. Though the U.S. has seen other times of struggle, the Great Depression remains one of the hardest and most widespread tragedies in American history. Now it is represented clearly and with 80 illustrations in our What Was…? series.


但這次事件只是許多悲慘歲月的開始。到20世紀30年代初期,三分之一的人失業。人們失去了工作,失去了房子,或者兩者兼而有之,最終棲身在以總統名字命名的「霍弗維爾」 (Hoovervilles) 的貧民區。
到1933年,許多銀行都倒閉。 雖然美國在其他時期也經歷過掙扎,但大蕭條仍然是美國歷史上最難和最普遍的悲劇之一。 現在我們的《What Was…?》系列中用80張插圖清楚地表現出來那段歷史。


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