The Lady in the Van: And Other Stories 貨車裡的女人 (PAPERBACK) | 拾書所

The Lady in the Van: And Other Stories 貨車裡的女人 (PAPERBACK)

$ 490 元 原價 490

Alan Bennett has long been one of the world's most revered humorists. From his acclaimed story collection Smut to his hilarious and sharply observed The Uncommon Reader, Bennett has consistently remained one of literature's most acute observers of Britain and life's many absurdities. In this new collection, drawn from his wide-ranging career, you'll read some of Bennett's finest work, including the title story, the basis for a new feature film starring Maggie Smith. The book also includes the rollicking comic masterpiece "The Laying on of Hands" and the bittersweet "Father! Father! Burning Bright," Bennett's classic tale of the tense relationship between a man and his dying father.

亞倫・班奈是舉世推崇的幽默劇作家,著有大受好評的短篇小說集《非普通下流》、兼具機智風趣和尖銳觀點的《非普通讀者》。在文學界中,作者對於英國文化與社會的荒誕不經,一直以來都保有極為敏銳的觀察力。本書的故事靈感來自其豐富的創作經驗,在這本新的小說集中,讀者將能讀到作者其他精采作品,包括《貨車裡的女人》,同名故事即將改編為電影,由英國實力女星瑪姬・史密斯擔綱演出。本書同時收錄喜劇鉅作《The Laying on of Hands》和苦樂交雜的《Father! Father! Burning Bright》,後者為作者經典作品之一,內容描述一名男子與其臨死父親之間的緊張關係。

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