◆ 此書共一冊,內容分成11 個單元,每單元劃分4 部份:
(1) Claves de una época, (2)Apartados, (3)Lecturas, (4)Recursos literarios
◆ 透過大量閱讀認識文化,引領學習者深入學習19 世紀到現今的西班牙文學和拉美文學,內含不同時期的文學作品,讓學習者了解不同時代背景所產的作品精隨。單元中穿插與主題相關的練習題,可供團體討論及自我檢視,書後附有所有文學作品的來源說明。
This anthology introduces students to Latin American and Spanish literature from the nineteenth century to the present day, through a series of eleven chapters focusing on the significant eras and shifts in Spanish-language writing. Curso de Literatura española moderna educates students about an important era in global literature, improves their Spanish communication, and develops their critical and creative thinking skills.
This anthology introduces students to Latin American and Spanish literature from the nineteenth century to the present day, through a series of eleven chapters focusing on the significant eras and shifts in Spanish-language writing. Curso de Literatura española moderna educates students about an important era in global literature, improves their Spanish communication, and develops their critical and creative thinking skills.