A Community of Readers: Interviews with Extensive Reading Scholars & Practitioners | 拾書所

A Community of Readers: Interviews with Extensive Reading Scholars & Practitioners

$ 350 元 原價 350

Extensive Reading (ER) is booming – growing in popularity – nowhere more so than in East Asia. This is great news for our students. It means they are getting the benefits that research shows accompanies ER:  increased motivation, improvement in listening, speaking,  ocabulary as well as reading, improved test scores, etc. It also means that they are engaging in one of the few ways of studying that gives pleasure as you do it. ER, of course, involves lots of stories. This book, A Community of Readers, includes lots of personal stories from the experience and expertise of ER scholars and practitioners,

Just like we tell our students:  Read.  Enjoy.

本書為逢甲大學麥科立老師(Michael McCollister)參加2013世界閱讀研討會,與會老師們一起分享如何提昇學生的閱讀習慣與能力,希望藉此書指導老師閱讀技巧且可教導學生如何更喜歡且輕鬆地閱讀英文讀本。

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