The Wonky Donkey (Books + CD) | 拾書所

The Wonky Donkey (Books + CD)

$ 350 元 原價 350

★ 劉怡伶《用親子共讀,玩出0-12歲英語力》 推薦書單

Just look at that donkey over there … Ha! It's a Wonky donkey!

This number one bestselling book and CD by Craig Smith and Katz Cowley is based on an award-winning children's song.

With over 300,000 copies sold to date. I was walking down the road, and I saw a donkey... hee-haw! And he only had three legs. He was wonky donkey... In this hilarious, cumulative song, each page tells us something new about the donkey until we end up with a spunky, hanky-panky, cranky, stinky, dinky, lanky, honky-tonky, winky, wonky donkey who will have children in fits of laughter!

Listen to the song and try to predict a new word for each clue given! 


本書為排行第一的暢銷書籍,CD 內容是一首得獎兒童歌曲,由桂格‧史密斯與凱慈‧考利所錄製。

至今銷售量突破 30 萬本。「我當時走在路上,看見一隻驢……嘻哈!驢子只有三條腿。他就是搖擺驢……。」這首歡樂的歌曲,使用累積歌詞的方式,每一頁都會告訴讀者一點關於驢子的事,直到最後整首歌歌詞變成──充滿朝氣、愛出詭計、暴躁怪異、一身臭氣、骯髒沒洗、身材長細、鄉村風格、愛眨眼睛的搖擺驢,讓孩子笑個不停!


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