Memory Man | 拾書所

Memory Man

$ 350 元 原價 350

Amos Decker's life changed forever--twice. The first time was on the gridiron. A big, towering athlete, he was the only person from his hometown of Burlington ever to go pro. But his career ended before it had a chance to begin. On his very first play, a violent helmet-to-helmet collision knocked him off the field for good, and left him with an improbable side effect--he can never forget anything. The second time was at home nearly two decades later. Now a police detective, Decker returned from a stakeout one evening and entered a nightmare--his wife, young daughter, and brother-in-law had been murdered. His family destroyed, their killer's identity as mysterious as the motive behind the crime, and unable to forget a single detail from that horrible night, Decker finds his world collapsing around him. He leaves the police force, loses his home, and winds up on the street, taking piecemeal jobs as a private investigator when he can. But over a year later, a man turns himself in to the police and confesses to the murders. At the same time a horrific event nearly brings Burlington to its knees, and Decker is called back in to help with this investigation. Decker also seizes his chance to learn what really happened to his family that night. To uncover the stunning truth, he must use his remarkable gifts and confront the burdens that go along with them. He must endure the memories he would much rather forget. And he may have to make the ultimate sacrifice. MEMORY MAN will stay with you long after the turn of the final page.

Amos Decker 曾經歷兩次人生轉捩點,第一次是在橄欖球球場。身為一個高大的運動員,他是家鄉─柏靈頓第一個成為職業橄欖球球員。然而,他的球員職涯就在剛要展開時便結束了。在他初登場的比賽時,一個非常大力的頭部撞擊,將他撞出場外。即便當時戴著安全帽,這場意外仍然帶給他影響深遠的後遺症───他完全忘不了任何事。第二次轉捩點是將近20年後,在家中發生。現在的他,身為警探。某天晚上,結束監視回家後,他的妻子、女兒以及姊夫被謀殺。他的家庭被摧毀,殺手的身分和犯罪動機像謎一樣,無人知曉。 Decker 無法忘記那晚所發生的任何事,他的世界也因此崩塌。他辭去工作,拋去原有的房子,在街上遊蕩,找一份私人偵探打零工。一年後,某個男子到警局自首,表示自己就是當初那場命案的兇手。同時,一件可怕的事,幾乎擊垮柏靈頓。 Decker 回到警局幫忙調查此案件,也把握住這次機會,試著了解那晚到底他的家人們發生什麼事。為了揭穿驚人的真相, Decker 勢必必須發揮他那獨一無二的技能,並且面對那隨之而來的責任。他必須忍受那些可怕的回憶,而最後,他也可能必須犧牲自己。


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