Make Something Up: Stories You Can’t Unread | 拾書所

Make Something Up: Stories You Can’t Unread

$ 280 元 原價 280

Chuck Palahniuk, literature's favorite transgressive author, gives us twenty-one stories and one novella in Make Something Up, a compilation that disturbs and delights in equal measure. In "Expedition," fans will be thrilled to find to see a side of Tyler Durden never seen before in a precursor story to Fight Club. And in other stories, the absurdity of both life and death are on full display: in "Zombies," the best and brightest of a high school prep school become tragically addicted to the latest drug craze—electric shocks from cardiac defibrillators; in "Knock, Knock," a son hopes to tell one last off-color joke to a father in his final moments; and in "Tunnel of Love," a massage therapist runs the curious practice of providing "relief" to dying clients. Funny, caustic, bizarre, poignant, these stories represent everything readers have come to love and expect from Chuck Palahniuk. You'll never forget them. Just try.

文學界最受喜愛的越界小說家恰克.帕拉尼克,在讀來令人又驚又喜的作品《Make Something Up》裡,帶來了 21 篇故事和 1 篇短篇小說。在〈Expedition〉中,書迷們會驚喜地發現泰勒.德頓在《鬥陣俱樂部》中未曾展露出的面貌。在其他故事裡,生死的荒唐怪誕展露無遺:〈Zombies〉講述了預科學校中最優秀且前途最看好的學生,不幸沉迷於最近的麻痺狂熱──從心律去顫器感受電擊快感;在〈Knock, Knock〉裡,在生命的最後時刻,一位兒子希望能在父親臨終前跟他講最後一個黃色笑話;在〈Tunnel of Love〉中,一位按摩治療師透過古怪的療法為瀕死病人提供「慰藉」。這些有趣又諷刺、怪誕又心酸的故事在在反映出讀者們最喜愛、最期待的恰克.帕拉尼克。你永遠不會忘記這些故事,開始讀吧!

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