Maycomb, Alabama. Twenty-six-year-old Jean Louise Finch—"Scout"—returns home from New York City to visit her aging father, Atticus. Set against the backdrop of the civil rights tensions and political turmoil that were transforming the South, Jean Louise's homecoming turns bittersweet when she learns disturbing truths about her close-knit family, the town, and the people dearest to her. Memories from her childhood flood back, and her values and assumptions are thrown into doubt. Featuring many of the iconic characters from To Kill a Mockingbird, Go Set a Watchman perfectly captures a young woman, and a world, in painful yet necessary transition out of the illusions of the past—a journey that can only be guided by one's own conscience. Written in the mid-1950s, Go Set a Watchman imparts a fuller, richer understanding and appreciation of Harper Lee. Here is an unforgettable novel of wisdom, humanity, passion, humor, and effortless precision—a profoundly affecting work of art that is both wonderfully evocative of another era and relevant to our own times. It not only confirms the enduring brilliance of To Kill a Mockingbird, but also serves as its essential companion, adding depth.
小名西葛的金‧璐意絲‧芬奇已經 26 歲了。她離開紐約,重返阿拉巴馬的梅崗城家鄉,探訪年邁的父親亞提克。故事背景在美國南方,民權意識引發的緊張情勢與政治動亂正在逐漸的改變著這個地方。金‧璐意絲回鄉後苦樂參半,她在與自己關係緊密的家庭、鄉鎮以及最親密的人中,發現令人苦惱的事實。童年回憶湧上心頭,她開始質疑自己原有的價值觀以及想法。《梅崗城故事》裡多位深具代表性角色於本書中再次登場,細膩呈現一名年輕女性以及一個世界為了由過往的幻象中蛻變,歷經痛苦卻又必然的轉折——這是一場必須跟隨良心指引的旅程。《Go Set a Watchman》寫於五零年代中期,透過本書,讀者更能了解、欣賞完整的哈波‧李。這本藝術之作影響深遠、令人難忘,作者對智慧、人性、情感的幽默刻畫針針見血、渾然天成;不僅讓人聯想到五零年代的情況,其中傳達的訊息也與現今社會息息相關。此書不但證明了《梅崗城故事》確為不朽經典,更是《梅崗城故事》必要的續作,為故事拓寬了整體時空跨度、賦予它新的意義,成為更有深度的作品。