Affected by a strange force, the TARDIS is dragged down to the desolate planet of Vortis. Until they can discover what is holding them there, the Doctor and his friends are trapped on the planet… The Doctor, Ian and Vicki are captured by the Zarbi – huge ant-like creatures controlled by the parasitic alien Animus. Meanwhile, Barbara runs into a group of Menoptra, butterfly-like creatures that have been driven from their home planet by the Animus, and plan to return with an invasion force. But the Zarbi know their plans and are waiting for the Menoptra... This novel is based on a Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 13 February-20 March 1965. Featuring the First Doctor as played by William Hartnell with his companions Barbara, Ian, and Vicki
受到神祕力量牽引,塔迪斯時光機迫降在渥堤斯星球這一片荒蕪之上,博士與夥伴在查明原因前都得受困於此。接著博士、伊恩與維琪又遭薩比人所擄。薩比人高大魁梧,外表像螞蟻,受寄生身上的外星族群艾尼摩斯人控制。另一方面,芭芭拉遇見了具有蝴蝶形態的米諾普崔人,他們被艾尼摩斯人趕出家園,正計劃以武力反撲,但薩比人已早一步得知此計劃並暗中佈署等待著……本書根據《Doctor Who》電視影集撰寫,影集原播出時間為 1965 年 2 月 13 日到 3 月 20 日。飾演首位博士的威廉・哈特內爾與夥伴芭芭拉、伊恩與維琪一起進行宇宙歷險。