In the Unlikely Event | 拾書所

In the Unlikely Event

$ 280 元 原價 280

In 1987, Miri Ammerman returns to her hometown of Elizabeth, New Jersey, to attend a commemoration of the worst year of her life. Thirty-five years earlier, when Miri was fifteen, and in love for the first time, a succession of airplanes fell from the sky, leaving a community reeling. Against this backdrop of actual events that Blume experienced in the early 1950s, when airline travel was new and exciting and everyone dreamed of going somewhere, she paints a vivid portrait of a particular time and place—Nat King Cole singing “Unforgettable,” Elizabeth Taylor haircuts, young (and not-so-young) love, explosive friendships, A-bomb hysteria, rumors of Communist threat. And a young journalist who makes his name reporting tragedy. Through it all, one generation reminds another that life goes on.

美里‧阿默曼在 1987 年回到家鄉──紐澤西的伊莉莎白市,參加一場紀念活動,悼念 35 年前自己人生中最悲慘的一年。美里在 35 年前才 15 歲,當她第一次墜入愛河時,卻見證多起墜機事件,整個社區更因飛安事故陷入慌亂之中。這些事故,都是作者布盧姆在 1950 年代親身經歷的不幸,當時,航空旅遊仍是新穎又刺激的活動,大家都夢想著搭飛機去旅遊。作者透過生動的文字描繪,帶讀者穿越時光隧道,回到 1950 年代的美國,閱讀她的文字彷彿可以聽見爵士歌手納‧京‧高爾吟唱《難以忘懷》,看到伊莉莎白‧泰勒的髮型,感受 50 年代稚嫩的愛情與關係,見證人們對原子彈的恐懼以及共產黨威脅的傳言。作者也描寫,當時有一名年輕記者,藉由報導事故聲名大噪。作者透過文字傳遞重要訊息,無論世代如何更替,生命終究會延續下去。

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