Captain America: The First Avenger 美國隊長 | 拾書所

Captain America: The First Avenger 美國隊長

$ 245 元 原價 245

Steve Rogers always wanted to join the US Army. He gets his big chance in the top secret experiment known Operation: Rebirth, where he emerges as a Super-Soldier.

With his new strength and abilities, he finally gets the chance to defend his country in World War II and as the first Avenger. Action-packed narration and thrilling sound effects add to the magic in this exciting storybook-and-CD set.


最終,他利用自己的新能力及優勢成為第一位復仇者,在第二次大戰期間守護家園。本書含 CD,敘述生動有趣,音效振奮人心,讓本套書更為精彩。

 Age Range; 4 - 8 years 

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