Scholastic ELT Readers Level 2: Great Expectations (Book+CD) (遠大前程) | 拾書所

Scholastic ELT Readers Level 2: Great Expectations (Book+CD) (遠大前程)

$ 240 元 原價 240
Pip lives with his sister and her husband, Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith, with little prospect of advancement. But when he discovers that he has a secret benefactor, his life changes forever. Pip moves to London and learns how to live like a gentleman. Can he win the love of the cold but beautiful Estella? And who is the person behind Pip’s ‘great expectations’?
Adapted from Charles Dickens’ classic novel.

19世紀中前期的英國,貧苦孤兒皮普與姐姐和當鐵匠的姐夫共同生活。皮普因緣際會認識了遇人不淑的富有老處女哈維森,以及她那冷漠高傲的養女艾絲黛拉。從此墜入美人懷抱的皮普,為擄獲芳心,立志成為一名有錢的紳士。在哈維森小姐下令要艾絲泰娜盡 情玩弄天下男人以示報復之際,不知情的皮普因一名神秘捐助人的幫助,不僅疏遠真心朋友,更不擇手段躍入倫敦上流社會。開始熱烈追求艾絲黛拉的皮普卻料想不 到,在繁華財富背後的驚人事實,當身份地位被完全顛覆,前程似錦的美夢是否仍舊存在?

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