I Can Read! Oxford Poetry for 7 Year Olds | 拾書所

I Can Read! Oxford Poetry for 7 Year Olds

$ 330 元 原價 330
This poetry collection for 7 year olds comprises 44 fun, accessible poems to read together at home. Featuring a fantastic range of children's poets and five exciting themes with full-colour illustrations, this is the ideal approach to encourage a love of reading, whilst developing an understanding of poetry, meeting the new requirements of the National Curriculum. Poetry is a fun way for children to enjoy learning to read, developing their vocabulary and understanding of ideas and themes.

This collection offers a wide range of poems to appeal to all children, from poems about dragons and ghosts to poems that are great to read aloud, like 'What's That?' and 'Ten White Snowmen'. The collection has been carefully selected for children in Year 3 of school and includes helpful parent notes for every poem and a glossary of key terms from the series editor and children's poet, John Foster. It is the third of three poetry collections that will support your child from learning to read in Year 1 through to understanding themes and developing vocabulary in Year 3.

This collection of poetry has the perfect balance of engaging rhyme, familiar themes and amusing illustrations to promote a lifelong love of reading.

本英文童詩集適合 7 歲兒童,內含 44 首有趣且簡單易懂的詩,可闔家閱讀。本書收錄許多優質童詩作家作品、五個生動主題及全彩插圖,可激發孩童對閱讀的興趣,同時培養孩子理解詩的能力,以達到國家課程標準。

閱讀詩集是讓孩子愛上閱讀的好方法,且能協助孩子增加字彙量,並理解其中的概念與主題。本詩集收錄了一系列能吸引孩童目光的詩作,如描述龍、幽靈鬼魂等作品,和適宜朗讀的詩,像是〈What's That?〉,〈Ten White Snowmen〉。這本精挑細選的詩集適合三年級學童閱讀,本系列詩集的編輯暨童詩作家約翰‧福斯特還為家長附上所有詩裡關鍵字詞的註解。


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