Paula McLain, author of the phenomenal bestseller The Paris Wife, now returns with her keenly anticipated new novel, transporting readers to colonial Kenya in the 1920s. Circling the Sun brings to life a fearless and captivating woman—Beryl Markham, a record-setting aviator caught up in a passionate love triangle with safari hunter Denys Finch Hatton and Karen Blixen, who as Isak Dinesen wrote the classic memoir Out of Africa. Brought to Kenya from England as a child and then abandoned by her mother, Beryl is raised by both her father and the native Kipsigis tribe who share his estate. Her unconventional upbringing transforms Beryl into a bold young woman with a fierce love of all things wild and an inherent understanding of nature’s delicate balance. But even the wild child must grow up, and when everything Beryl knows and trusts dissolves, she is catapulted into a string of disastrous relationships. Beryl forges her own path as a horse trainer, and her uncommon style attracts the eye of the Happy Valley set, a decadent, bohemian community of European expats who also live and love by their own set of rules. But it’s the ruggedly charismatic Denys Finch Hatton who ultimately helps Beryl navigate the uncharted territory of her own heart. The intensity of their love reveals Beryl’s truest self and her fate: to fly. Set against the majestic landscape of early-twentieth-century Africa, McLain’s powerful tale reveals the extraordinary adventures of a woman before her time, the exhilaration of freedom and its cost, and the tenacity of the human spirit.
著名暢銷書《我是海明威的巴黎妻子》作者寶拉.麥克蓮,帶著讀者引頸期盼的新作重磅回歸!本作將帶讀者回到 1920 年代的肯亞殖民地,在本書中,女主角貝蘿.馬克漢無所畏懼又迷人的性格躍然紙上,這位創紀錄的飛行員,和獵遊獵人丹尼斯.芬奇.哈頓及以「伊薩克‧狄尼森」筆名出版《遠離非洲》這本經典回憶錄的凱倫.白列森辛陷入了火熱的三角戀。孩提時代的貝蘿從英格蘭被帶至肯亞、隨後又被母親拋棄,扶養她長大的,是父親及當地共享貝蘿父親財產的奇普辛基族。如此特殊的教養,讓貝蘿出落成一位膽識超群的年輕女子,她熱愛原野上的生物,並生來就理解大自然的微妙平衡。但即便是野孩子也必須長大,當貝蘿熟知、相信的一切事物開始分崩離析時,她突然陷入一連串災難般的關係。她努力為自己開創一條馴馬師的新道路,她不尋常的風格也吸引了跑馬地的注意,跑馬地的居民是歐洲的外籍人士,過著恣意、波西米亞式的生活,熱愛也遵循他們自己的一套規矩過活。但最終,是健壯粗獷、魅力無窮的丹尼斯.芬奇.哈頓幫助貝蘿未知迷茫的內心找到方向。他們之間濃烈的愛,幫助貝蘿決定自己的命運,也找到最真實的自我:那就是飛翔。本書故事背景設在二十世紀早期的非洲,作者麥克蓮強勁的文筆,描寫了其雄偉壯麗的景觀,及貝蘿超越時代的非凡冒險旅程、旅程中貝蘿為自由付出了代價,展現了人類精神的堅忍不拔,最終她也嚐到了自由帶來的喜悅。